Weight Management
Plate Method. Making 1/2 your plate as vegetables reduces calories and fills you up!
Bread and pasta do not need to be eliminated in order to lose weight. Limiting carbohydrates to 1/4 of your plate or 30-45 grams of carbohydrate per meal will keep you in line!
You may have heard that a gluten-free diet leads to weight loss. The truth is... a gluten-fee diet usually eliminates significant amounts of calories by eliminating pasta, bread , pizza, cookies, etc. However, if you replaced all those items with gluten-free varieties your caloric intake would be the same.
Alcohol adds to fat quicker than candy.
The best exercise for weight loss is anything you can do to stay in constant motion for more than 20 minutes. Every minute after 20 minutes of exercise places you in the fat burning zone. 40 minutes 3 x a week can burn a pound of fat. Dancing, walking, swimming, tennis, light jogging anything that increases your heart rate is perfect!